SQ : Anthem receiver vs. processor

Hi everyone,
I’m on a quest to simplify my life and get rid of my separates. In terms of a range of options, I’m probably settling on Anthem. My choices are:

  • MXR 720 - 7 Channel receiver ($2,500) and use external amps for L and R
  • AVM 60 a pure processor ($3k)
  • Classe SSP used (~ $3k)

I’m wondering if any of you have direct experience comparing the sound quality of each? I have an external DAC I’ll be using for music sources.

The processor total cost of ownership is significantly higher, not to mention space and wiring required.

difference between the 720 and the AVM60 is the AVM has a toroidal transformer.

The idea of an all-in-one AV receiver will not satisfy your two-channel needs for music playbacks. It compromises your stereo performance. The higher end and better build AV receivers will of course sound better than the entry level ones but they will not perform on the same level as good stereo integrated amps or separates.

If things get bad, my amps have switchable inputs, so I can use the RCA for HT listening, and the XLR inputs from my DAC for music directly.