Are Pass Labs amps probably the best ever you can buy ?

I have about 15k to spend on an amp/preamp/integrated amp.

I mostly listen to smooth jazz like Dave Koz, Rippingtons, Brian Culbertson etc.... and loud.

I have yet to hear any amp that comes close to Pass Labs.

Your experiences pls ?
Pass labs it good, of course, but even beter is Audio Note,Gamut,Esoteric.Pass missed “something in the mid” and not so holographic an the other ones.
The speakers are very inportent . Use the Ilumnia Magister in combination with. That’s pure natural music!!
I am a professional A/V reviewer and have had many systems in my home and currently all three of my systems have Pass electronics. My situation may be different from those who have written in previously because when I evaluate new equipment such as speakers, I need to have a reference point to assess their voicing. The most critical thing, IMHO, is to have the opportunity to see how amplifiers and front end sources work with their speakers. There is little science here in that specs on the bench will not tell you how an amp will sound with your speakers until you actually hook it up. 
For those considering the purchase of a stand-alone amplifier or integrated amplifier, one of the most important criteria is reliability followed by customer care.  I have had several amplifiers leave my system on those grounds alone. 
Since bricks and mortar audio stores are not as prevalent as they were two decades ago, it is worth while for potential customers to contact the manufacturers directly. A good company will tell you what speakers they have used in designing and testing their amplifiers. An even better company or dealer would give you a 30-day trial on a demo unit. 
So using the term "best" is not the right question to pose, as there will be no "best" amplifier for every system. For cakyol, $15K opens up a lot of possibility and, in my experience, the biggest bang for the buck is investing in good separates that can be individually upgraded as the need arises. 
Why nobody reviews accuphase power amps? Because the pass are better? Now I really started think about pass . Maybe I should push out my accu. And replace it with pass ??? But which model???
Mr. Pass makes very nice Solid State amps, among the best out there.  Hes a cool guy !! Unfortunately, solid state amps typically require a certain amount of negative feedback, which adds an OUT OF TIME component to the music's playback.

Fortunately for music lovers, there is an inherently better device called the triode vacuum tube, that  when done well, can operate without feedback and can become a better-sounding amplifier than ANY solid state device can be made into. 

There are two problems with tube designs however 

(1)  The best performing amps will be 3 Watts or less

(2)   99.90 percent of the tube amps built, past and present, simply don't cut the mustard 

The solution to number (1) above, is very easy :  select the best sounding amplifier ( which is THE weakest link in the system ) as the FIRST priority in your State of the Art Hi Fi system.  Then, find a really good high-efficiency speaker .  I am thinking of a simple two- way, ALTEC, GPA and ALE. 

The solution to number (2) above, which tube amp to buy, is very easy.  There is only one person, known to me over the past dozen years, who builds the best performing tube amps ever made.  He is out of Livingston, Montana , USA, and his name is Dennis Fraker.  His small company ( one man ) is called Serious Stereo. 

I would simply suggest, anyone who seeks the best listening experience, to visit Dennis at his place in Montana, and allow him to demo his late-2018 system for you.   You will know, right away, from what you hear !!   

Also, he is a very nice person to interact with, smart, caring, and honest.  Look him up on the web, you can call and talk to him !!   But most of all, visit and listen for yourself.  The proof of the pudding .

Well, now you have the truth, at least as " I " see / experience / hear it.   Go visit and listen for yourself.   You will be educated.

Jeff Medwin 


  Look NO!  @ all of these response why. Speakers love the very best Amp driven them to Nirvana.  Pass/TA Arc/etc,etc.  If your eye's on a PASS LABS own it.

Guess what!  Not the exact SOUND YOUR EARS WANTED. No problem. To cool, to warm

to hot of top end, To lose bass. What to do. Well interconnects, power cables, fuses,

all of these can be GAME changers. The Cable Co online will loan you al box full of each

to dial in your Nirvana return the rest you pay UPS both ways only.. All of these tweats
are nothing more than than ear tuners!!

Trust me my first Audio serious system back in 1969.

 Been through all of THIS is the best BS suggestors...

Tubes 444