Power Purpose

...just fooling around a bit.....plugged my power amp into a different outlet......boy ...so much better
I have done the same thing Stringreen. And for anyone that wants to know, I am not going to give out any scientific proof of anything. Only have to please the two things on each side of my melon. They is happy.
I ran new 20 amp, 12 ga lines from the panel to my system.  It did clear up the sound a bit.  YMMV - you might go to all that work and get zero improvement (I did it because the distances weren't long and I was having rewiring done anyway).
Stringreen - 
Not saying there isn't something of a more fundamental nature going on between the two outlets; on the other hand, I wonder if it could be something as mundane as wiping the plug blades via unplugging and plugging back in thereby providing an improved connection?