Thanks to Tom for recapturing all the works went into the measurement phase. That seems like a lot of works. I supposed that was before the proliferation of personal computers?
I think today speaker designers probably have a lot easier time with speaker design with the advance of software and inexpensive access to computation. Some of the software are actually free and can be downloaded into your personal computers. I personally only spent about $270.00 and able to purchased a set of hardware that can perform all the measurements needed to speaker design. All the softwares that I am using are completely free and available on the internet. The rest is up to my own imagination.
As for measurement distant, I think the problem with making measuring at 8ft distant is that by the time the sound arrives at the microphone, you have a lot of sound reflection from the floor, the side walls of the measurement room. You could put a time bracket so you can only capture the sound at a very narrow time window before the reflections but that would compromise the low frequency portion. The longer the measurement distant, the narrower the time window, and hence the lower frequency response compromise. You could correct for that by measuring at closer distant such as 1 meter which is industrial standard. The problem is with first order speakers, at that distant, the mid and tweeter may not fully integrated so that is another challenge. Or you could build a large chamber so the floor and side walls distant is a lot longer than 8ft. Another problem is at low frequency, the wavelength is so long that you need a very large chamber so that you can accurately capture the one wavelength of low bass frequency before reflection. Tom mentioned that Thiel was trying to measure the speakers outdoor with the speakers mounted on a tree to eliminate reflection from the ground so I guess it had to be a pretty high tree :-). Eventually it may not be practical to build such a large chamber so there are a few methods of trying to merge the high frequency and low frequency response. There are software that could do this but they seem to have their own limitation.
But I think you could make it as complicated as you want, or you could simplify as much as you could to get a finish product.
I think today speaker designers probably have a lot easier time with speaker design with the advance of software and inexpensive access to computation. Some of the software are actually free and can be downloaded into your personal computers. I personally only spent about $270.00 and able to purchased a set of hardware that can perform all the measurements needed to speaker design. All the softwares that I am using are completely free and available on the internet. The rest is up to my own imagination.
As for measurement distant, I think the problem with making measuring at 8ft distant is that by the time the sound arrives at the microphone, you have a lot of sound reflection from the floor, the side walls of the measurement room. You could put a time bracket so you can only capture the sound at a very narrow time window before the reflections but that would compromise the low frequency portion. The longer the measurement distant, the narrower the time window, and hence the lower frequency response compromise. You could correct for that by measuring at closer distant such as 1 meter which is industrial standard. The problem is with first order speakers, at that distant, the mid and tweeter may not fully integrated so that is another challenge. Or you could build a large chamber so the floor and side walls distant is a lot longer than 8ft. Another problem is at low frequency, the wavelength is so long that you need a very large chamber so that you can accurately capture the one wavelength of low bass frequency before reflection. Tom mentioned that Thiel was trying to measure the speakers outdoor with the speakers mounted on a tree to eliminate reflection from the ground so I guess it had to be a pretty high tree :-). Eventually it may not be practical to build such a large chamber so there are a few methods of trying to merge the high frequency and low frequency response. There are software that could do this but they seem to have their own limitation.
But I think you could make it as complicated as you want, or you could simplify as much as you could to get a finish product.