My B-60 replica has arrived last week, now FR-64s tonearm marathon is completed. In fact without the B-60 that 64s could not compete with 64fx, but with the B-60 i hope it will surpass the 64fx.
Now my Fidelity-Research FR-64s looks like a solid piece of engineering with that beautifully machined B-60 replica in mint condition.
While the original B-60 goes for insane price over 1300 euro, the replica looks amazing, it’s superheavy stainless steel base, love it. I’m so glad that i found it locally in my country (not in Asia) ! They are so rare these days. The seller, however, has bought it from Japan long time ago when it was released.
Anyway, what i just don’t understand is the price even for replica. One of the main reason is that my Lustre GST-801 toneam has its base with the same ability to adjust VTA on the fly quickly and easily, it’s just not so massive and may not solve some resonance issues as the B-60, but some huge stabilizer is easy to made to screw under the tonearm (if the VTA on the fly is already available with tonearm design like Lustre).