Klipschorn speaker set-up

I have a pair of Klipshorns from the mid-80's that I really enjoy. I set them up in the corners, naturally, in our media room. I never really thought they had the best stereo imagining until I started moving them out of the corners and into the room.

I used the Cardas room calculator to see what the recommended position was, according to his recommendation. After moving them out of the corners and closer together, they sound much better (much more focused center image).

The soundstaging still is very large and the bass response seems very good also.

Does anyone have thoughts or insight into the best position of Klipshorns (not in the corner)?

I have used the false corners on two occasions when i had a room that was not suitable for corner placements. It works very well. I prefer the corner placements but mainly due to aesthetics.
To rid themselves of the hole in the middle, Klipsch made a speaker called the LaScala that was designed to be placed flat against the wall between the 2 K-horns and that ran a combined mono singnal.
As a new owner of Khorns, I was interested and came across this discussion, and am reviving an old thread:

The newer Khorns (AK5's) have their top halves sitting atop the bass enclosures, would an easy solution not be to just angle the top half toed out towards the listener for better imaging? Keeping the bass units tightly in the corners for optimal bass response.
While this may not look the most aesthetic, it would solve the listener "sweet spot" optimization issue in rooms that are less than adequately sized.