Spendor speakers


I'm looking into Spendor speakers,what's some of the classic,great models to look out for,sleeper models too.
Good value models,vintage is fine too..

Have owned my S100s now for 18 years and very content with them. Curious if u still have you have yours or what u may have replaced them with.
I can't quite match Gthgmg with his 18 years, but I have owned my SP100s for 11 years and am still very happy with their sound. I recently investigated several speakers that have attracted a lot of press lately, but I haven't heard anything so far that makes me want to pull the trigger. The SP100 isn't perfect, but it does manage to do so many things right that I find it very satisfying over the long haul. When I listen to it, I hear music and I don't start making mental lists of its shortcomings.
When I 1st chimed in on this thread my S100's were 19 yrs old. I got 'em for Xmas in 1990 so obviously they're 22 yrs old! I'm listening to these bad boys right NOW!;) We're rockin' in the new year! It's obvious from mine and other similar posts that Spendor's are keepers!
When I 1st chimed in on this thread my S100's were 19 yrs old. I got 'em for Xmas in 1990 so obviously they're 22 yrs old! I'm listening to these bad boys right NOW!;) We're rockin' in the new year! It's obvious from mine and other similar posts that Spendor's are keepers!
I have had the mini-monitor SA1's in my BR system for the past few years and adore them. Expensive but extremely sophistictaed and accomplished little devils.

Before then, I had SP2/1's, S3/5's and then S3/5R's. Any time I have sold my Spendors I regretted it, so I am not selling my SA1's. Learned my lesson. There really is Spendor magic.
