Vintage speakers from the 70's and 80's

I'm putting together a vintage system. So far, I've got a Marantz 2270 receiver and a Teac A-3300SR open reel deck. Looking for recommendations on speakers from the 70's and 80's, especially monitors that would sound great with this system.

Watkins Stereo Center WSC-1A. These were designed and built by Bill Watkins who created and patented the Watkins-Infinity Dual Drive Woofers that Infinity used in their glory days. Everyone in my hometown (Kingsport, TN) either had or desperately wanted these. They were awesome!
Thanks. There are a number of speakers recommended here that I've never heard of. Now the research begins!!

I appreciate everyone's help.
Another vote for the ADS L-810. I had a pair as well as the later column version with similar drivers, the L-1090, and they had a very similar sound; the 810 may have had the advantage on bass response.

The 1970's-'80s ADS speakers anticipated how speakers are made today, with better, more inert cabinets and high quality drivers built to very close tolerances, and made to last. They're a bit pricier, but deliver. There are currently a couple of pairs available on A-gon, and a pair at this Seattle audio store, which also has L-730s and L-780s. The L-810 may be the best deal of the bunch, though. It would taked doubled-up Advents to approach what the L-810s did, and by then you're spending the same money. The ADS had far better driver and build quality.

The ESS AMT 1b or 1c would be a good match, as they'd be an easy load for a 70 wpc receiver to drive, but they're hard to find and usually need some repair. Definitely the woofers and passive radiators would need re-foaming, and you'd hope the AMT units would be fine. Even harder to find would be their battleship grey Evaluator monitor, which I particularly liked at the time (I sold audio in 1975-6).

If I were putting together a vintage system, it would be a good 1970s DD turntable such as Marantz 6300 or period-correct Thorens, a Marantz or Luxman integrated amp, and the L-810s. That would have been a sort of statement system at the time. Not all-out SOTA, but definitely respectable and even admired.
DCM Time Windows, Klipsh (any), Maggies...
Supposedly vintage Sansui's are great.
Last suggestion are the Pioneer HPM's if available and they fit.
There's a local guy in Pittsburgh restoring tons of vintage speakers. Check Pittsburgh and search for Edgewood. Steve is a good guy.
Marantz 2270 and The New Advent Loudspeakers (that is the name of the speaker, they are not new of course) a perfect match.