Hi Fi Tuning fuses

Has anyone used or is using HiFi Tuning fuses to benefit sound. Is is worth it to use in Ayre preamp, Mark Levinson 532h amp and possibly Benchmark DAC? Thanks for respectable replies.
As you can see, this topic brings out 'the best' in people. Try not to get discouraged.
As far as Hifi Tuning fuses, Steve McCormack believes they do improve sound quality.
As for Ayre, and Levinson, I would call them directly and get their take on it. 
I only own Ayre equipment, but my experience shows changing fuses to have negligible effect.
Yes, I recently stepped into a hornets nest with this topic as I tried out my first Hi-Fi fuse - an SR Blue.  I felt it improved the dynamics in my Cary tube amp but only if installed in the proper direction! Placed the opposite way it degraded the SQ.  
Regarding that ONE incident, SUPPOSEDLY caused by HIFI Tuning fuses:  I repeat-    I’m looking forward to further evidence, of amps being damaged by, "high-end" fuses. Like I said, the Internet SHOULD be replete with the tales. One would think the Fuse Police, ought to have an easy time digging them up. Perhaps, AT LEAST ONE informed amp manufacturer(aside from our resident fuse cop), that warns against them in their owner manuals? No caveat emptor, in ANY reviews or magazine articles? Again, why would a correctly valued fuse(in voltage, amperage and time), as required by amp’s owner’s manual, be a danger to it’s DC circuitry?