Genesis APM-1 Plate Amp Repair or Replacement

My second plate amp died, rendering my speaker system usless.
Does anyone have an idea on how I can save these wonderful, useless speakers? PLEASE!!!

Tpreaves: I started looking by contacting the website you described above. Evidently, when the old Genesis went under or switched hands, or whatever, the new Genesis (the current one) got no papers for the older models. So I searched and searched the web to no avail. Then, a fellow 'goner told me that he had a friend that had a copy and would work on getting it over to me. That hope went unanswered as well. But check this out: Today I got a private message from another 'goner telling me to contact Cullen Circiuts! They're supposed to be able to help me with the manual, too! Go figure! I will do just that!
Thanks, everyone!
Happy Listening!
Tpreaves: Speakers are fixed and singing and humming as usual. But now I am waiting on Rick's response to see if he has the manual.


Hello Fgalea,

Try contacting Gary Koh, President of Genesis Advanced Technologies based in Seattle. Do a search of Genesis Speakers on Google or Yahoo.

I alerted him to your post as i was discussing my new amp and speaker order with him.

He said that Rick Cullen is a good contact as he was responsible for the electronics at Genesis prior to 2001. Gary has Rick's contact details.

All current products can be directed to Genesis as they are manufactured in house.

Good luck and hope you have music soon.