clearaudio turntables

Why the big price increases on the mid line?(dc performance, dc wood ,ovation). see the music direct catalog.
Thank you Schubert; when you leave "audiophilia", these are the worlds dumbest people.
FACT, the EURO is worth MORE than the US $ , Today only 14 % , usually higher ,Were the dollar not the world reserve it would be worth half of the Euro .

they raised the price for the profit margin.

after this jerry blinker generated stock market crash ,let's see how many americans are left to be gouged!

Buy used or better yet vintage refurbs if you're concerned about profit margins. And don't put everything in stocks if you can't take the risk.

There's a cost to distributing high-quality foreign imports, which the Clearaudio line unfortunately gets hit by here in USA. Building a good relationship with an authorized dealer can help a bit with that. They're beautiful tables that run like a dream.

Clearaudio tables are some of the most beautiful tables I have ever seen; they sure put my Rega to shame in that department, but there is a price that has to be paid for that beauty.

Rega puts every nickel into functionality; they give you your money's worth in audio. I'm not saying that Clearaudio doesn't give you what you pay for them, but what I am saying is that when you get beauty plus the highest quality audio, it's going to cost you more.

I don't look at my turntables, I only listen to them.
I don’t look at my Ovation. I listen to it, and it was worth every penny. No matter how much I upgrade the rest of the system, the Ovation just demonstrates over and over how it delivered at higher levels of performance all along. Now I have a Universal arm on the way to replace the Magnify I have now. I have no doubt it will be a jaw dropping improvement, regardless of how badass it looks.