How often do you turn it on?

I am in the process of upgrading my relatively new Krell 575 Solo for their new XD. Being 64, and moving and packing 70 lb a major PIA, I question my sanity. I justify my action by reminding myself that audio is my only hobby, one that I dedicate 2 hours a day to. 

I am curious, what are your listening habits? Is it daily, do you read while listening, analog/stream/CD, age group, etc? Anything that will help get my head around my audio nervosa. 


The music plays here 24/7. Not having a system playing is when I go batty. If I'm not doing something musical I feel incomplete, like I'm wasting time or not being productive. It's my life's work, my hobby, my passion. My associates have always been all musical, along with my family. Everyone I know thinks of me as their musical friend in one way or another, and I'm not sure I have any real acquaintances outside of entertainment.

Sometimes when I'm visiting this and other audio forums it surprises me when I hear folks talk about music as part of their life, and not their whole being or essence. I have a hard time imagining music being a part and not the whole. I think why be on a forum full time and not be a full time music doer. That's my fault not theirs, but that's the way it works for me, especially when I see folks doing thousands of posts.

Read while listening? I do everything while listening, even listening while listening.


67 and retired; I listen at least a couple of hours a day.  Mostly as background while doing other stuff and about 25% serious listening.  Split pretty evenly between digital and vinyl with most of the "serious" listening to vinyl.  Hope this helps.
As I am retired, I listen to my main system 3-4 hours every day for serious listening. The rest of the day I listen to my secondary system while surfing the net.  I listen to FM Stereo mostly on that system. 
My listening patterns are somewhat irregular. At my spring/summer residence I listen 3-5 hours/day and read 2-4 hours/day. At winter residences I read far more listening only about 1 hour/day as I refuse to schlep vinyl and discs all over North America. 
Alas, with the exception of MG we all seem to be retirees. Thanks for the responses.