Hi Fi Tuning fuses

Has anyone used or is using HiFi Tuning fuses to benefit sound. Is is worth it to use in Ayre preamp, Mark Levinson 532h amp and possibly Benchmark DAC? Thanks for respectable replies.
You’re not a good example. Yeah, like Chuck Audio Mart. 🤗 Audiophiles want tuna that tastes good, not tuna with good taste. 🐬
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The assertion: HIFI Tuning fuses are a danger, to the DC circuitry of tubed amps. The issue: Thus far, NO evidence/coroboration, outside of one(purported) incident/report. All I’ve heard from the Fuse Police, are deflections and cop-outs.  IF these fuses WERE a problem, someone else, somewhere out there, would certainly have noticed by now!
The incident under discussion happened long long ago in a galaxy far far away. Too long ago to matter. Let’s move on. Frankly, I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if it wasn’t even true. Somebody’s got a bee in his bonnet 🐝 No big deal. Besides, gentle readers, even stock fuses have issues from time to time, you know, like blowing prematurely. 🔥 It’s not exactly a big secret. 🤫