Is the Last Record Preservative system a worthwhile investment?

I take great care in my record collection.
1. I have a manual record vacuum cleaning machine. I also use an enzyme cleaner on a few really dirty ones.
2. I replace all paper sleeves with plastic ones.
3. I use groove glide on only the records in really bad shape. Around 1 percent.
4. I use a record jacket to protect the covers.
5. I meticulously keep the stylus clean.
6. Use a brush everytime I play a record.
  My question being is; will the Last system actually improve the sonics even after all the care I put in to my collection?
How much time is involved treating a record? How much per record does it cost if I buy the larger treatment kits? Id like to hear your experiences with this product. I have close to 3000 records. My analogy is like a great movie that I have never seen. Wow you just now saw that? Will I have an aha moment using the Last system like oh wow, I should have seen that movie years ago. Lol
I wonder if the demonstration @billstevenson described put the records in question to more of a test than normal play. The data on vinyl recovery after play is scant. I don't use LAST, but there are plenty of records I've purchased over the years, some as part of collections, that were treated. I've had no issues with any of those. 
Since LAST has been around a while, before RCMs were in common use, was the practice to treat the record when new, before playing (or cleaning)?
Most of the records I've been buying for the last several decades are not new. But, some new records that I do buy seem to need a play, even after cleaning, to settle in; whether that's the result of no dehorning or something else, such records tend to be quieter after an initial play. Perhaps that doesn't matter in the use of the LAST. Do those who use LAST apply it to used records or records that have been played?
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Actually , its the weakest act to be simply be spreading a negative for the simple sake of it especially knowing you can’t back up your negative claims and being so transparent to use insults when challenged to simply supply even some experience or reasoning. A negative can be proven actually, sadly ,you just proved yourself to be just that , .....
One successful (allegedly) test is hardly proof of this product’s efficacy. 

It’s no more relevant than any post written by has2be. 

One successful (allegedly) test is hardly proof of this product’s efficacy.

It’s no more relevant than any post written by has2be.
Then , as asked , please explain why your claim of snake oil supersedes all the other’s experience and demonstration(s) beyond just your insults or what seems to be nothing more than your empirical opinion... I’m waiting for it with all sincerity, if you have something to teach us , then explain it..if your just being argumentative, then own it. I gave my experiences with it, and had no negative comments or complaints because I never experienced anything but the same positive ones many many others have.
You have done nothing , nothing but dismiss and insult and claim its snake oil that doesn’t do as it’s claimed to do ,that others do support it does. You should be able to effectively explain what you claimed here without insults at a minimum............Your actually acting more like a troll than someone who is informed to explain position....