Well,what brought this all about,was a friend of mine picked up some B&W DM2a's and sold them to me for $21.00
That's what he payed for them at a thrift store here in Seattle area.
These are a transmission line speaker, and are seriously built,they would rate a 5 on an Audiogon scale as the tops are beat a little and they're old! The woofers say 1975 dated.
The bass has no boom at all,and as pointed out the mids and high are clear,very clear. There seems to be a righness to the timing of them.The sound come at you like real time,hard for my to say it right...
They are also very dynamic in nature, I love them and want to seek out others like them,or better. They stomp all the speakers I have ever had.
I wish I could post photos of them like Audiokarma,you can see them there(under the same name).
Thanks for the suggestions,I will research them all.
If anyone know more to look into, I'm all ears.