I used to think that power was power with only minor differences in the sound. However in trying to decide on the best amplifier for my Thiel 2.4s I've auditioned the Bel Canto m600s (their current production monblock), the Bryston 4 cubed stereo amp, and the Pass x150.8. They were PROFOUNDLY different. The Bel Canto rather oddly was very recessed the dark sounding, the Bryston was a little shrill with very little mid range "meat" on the bones but the Pass was JUST RIGHT. Honestly, I'm being a little sarcastic here but these were not subtle differences. I left the experience feeling that the "electrical" handshake between the power amp and the speaker is considerably more complicated than I originally imagined. Thoughts?
Those are all big amplifiers. Given the low impedance in Thiels you want the amp with the most current.
I would only listen to one amp at a time with one as a referene in a strict A/B test. Swapping amps has to much time between, levels are often not matched. I wish dealers had A/B boxes but its a lot of work and they dont want that kind of testing. You may find out the less expensive amp sounds the same or better. When you compare good amps with good specks they really cant sound much different, can they?
Now throw in a high distortion, low damping amp and you will hear that.