Mystery of the whistling amplifier

I replaced the manufacturer-supplied low-power tubes (two 12AU7 in the pre-amp section; four 12AT7 in the amp section) in my VTL integrated amp with NOS Telefunkens from Vintage Tube Services. After a few months I started hearing hissing and whistling through the speakers. It happens regardless of the source (DAC or the phono preamp).  I read here and elsewhere that this was probably caused by about-to-fail preamp tubes. Here're the things I've tried to address this:

1.   I took the 12AU7s out and switched them between their sockets. I also reseated them in their original positions. These measures made the problem go away for a while. Then it came back.

2.  I put the manufacturer-supplied tubes (JJ Elec ECC81) back in, and that "solved" the problem for a day or two; then it didn't.

3.  A Youtube video recommended scraping the pins shiny with an x-Acto knife blade. I did this, and it worked for a while. Doing it again, perhaps more thoroughly, also worked for a while, and seems to have reduced the overall level of the sound. I also hit the pins with Deoxit after scraping.

I listen to this setup several hours a day. Sometimes, like right now, there's no unwanted noise. When it is happening, you can't hear it through loud passages at all. But of course I want to fix this.

I'd welcome any suggestions or diagnoses before bringing this to the dealer.

You’re running on all four cylinders today, glubson! What’s got into you?! Excited that Santa is coming? 🎅🏻

12 cylinders. Do not underestimate me.

I wrote a letter to Santa. I asked him for a new bicycle pump for you.
Now that’s funny!  Never can tell when you’ll have a flat, Kitty. 😱
I thought more along the lines of applied physics that geoffkait indulges in.

Cute discussion starts on page 2. (from paragraph 2.2)