"Best" multichannel universal player right now?

"Best" as in what's the best at the "knee of the curve" at the moment? Looking for 1080p, excellent video processing (no artifacts, excellent scaling) and as importantly excellent 2 channel and multichannel SACD and DVD-A. HDMI 1.3 a definite asset, as is digital out.
When you use the HDMI, the sound VERY MUCH depends on what you connect it to. Running the 83 into the Meridian HD621/861 is quite superb. In the Esoteric class, imho.

Kal. I too have an hd621. I run most music through it via an aple tv. I have a ps-3 I use for disks having recently sold a modded 5910. Have you ever compared one of these with an oppo? Seems pretty inexpensive if there is any noticeable difference with any format disk--audio or video.
I bought one for a driving simulator and tried it for movies and music after selling the denon. It is not bad. How does the oppo compare to the Sony with hdmi you recenty auditioned?