Pop Sound in my speakers when driven loud from studio recorded CD sources.
Hales Revelation 1 bookshelf speakers are what we're talking about. Purchased in the mid 90's and had been in storage for about 15 years in climate controlled conditions. Just started using them again. I'm finding under most conditions they perform admirably all around. When listening to certain studio recordings on CD where the sound is very dense or the recording has a compressed quality, I am hearing a distinct "pop" (not part of the musical presentation) when, for instance, the drummer makes a strong slap on the snare drum or tom tom. Low frequency bass response is still very agile and stable for these small speakers. Is it possible my mid bass driver is stuttering under these circumstances? These Hales are known to be power hungry speakers. My amplifier is 85W per channel and I'm noticing this pop when I get the volume knob to about '12 o'clock' . That's when it starts to sound loud in my listening room. Other lesser sources like radio or streaming sources, don't seem to bring this on. It's the up front, dense sound from a CD that does it.
Any diagnostician out there that can tell what the disfunction is? ... what I can do about it, if anything? Thanks!
Hey... I got an email that member "almarg" posted to this thread, but I don't see the full post here. The partial post I got in the email is below. Almarg, if you are out there I would like to know your full response. Not sure why it didn't get posted here. "Given the 180 mv sensitivity of the Marantz receiver and the 2.1 volt maximum output level of the DacMagic+ unbalanced outputs, it seems very conceivable to me that the problem may be due to overdr....."
Almarg, if you are out there I would like to know your full response. Not sure why it didn’t get posted here.
I deleted my post a couple of minutes after I submitted it, because when I composed it I hadn’t noticed your statements to the effect that the problem only occurs when the volume is turned up to loud levels. That fact makes what I had said in my post inapplicable, since it indicates that the cause of the problem is "downstream" of the volume control. FWIW, though, what I had said is as follows:
Given the 180 mv sensitivity of the Marantz receiver and the 2.1 volt maximum output level of the DacMagic+ unbalanced outputs, it seems very conceivable to me that the problem may be due to overdriving whatever circuitry in the Marantz precedes (i.e., is "upstream" of) its volume control.
As an experiment, and conceivably as a permanent solution, try enabling the DacMagic’s digital preamp function, reduce its volume control setting significantly, and increase the volume control setting of the Marantz to provide preferred volume levels. See if the problem still occurs.
Alternatively, you could try enabling the DacMagic’s digital preamp function and connecting it to the input jacks of the power amp section of the Marantz (initially with the DacMagic’s volume control set low!), while disconnecting the Marantz’ pre-outs from those jacks.
If one or both of those experiments confirms this diagnosis, an alternative solution would be to insert a pair of Rothwell attenuators between the DacMagic and the Marantz.
Again, none of this appears to be applicable, given the sensitivity of the problem to the setting of the volume control. Not sure what to suggest at this point, beyond what the others have said.
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