Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
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Based on my needs, and the price, if I do decide to pull the trigger, I will give the Benchmark DAC 3B a tryout.
IMO, if you don’t get a fpga based dac or it doesn’t have a network card built in, you are wasting your money. Either the ps audio DS or DS jr dac will blow away the benchmark or the Ayre. Compare the functions of each dac. If you want a cold sounding dac, go with the benchmark.
Each time I get a free upgrade for my ps audio DS dac, performance increases. Over a year ago, ps audio updated their software to add MQA support, for free. Show me another dac that has a class A+ rating like the DS and you get a free bump in performance every 6 months. If you compared the DS with redcloud software, do the comparison again with the latest  snowmass upgrade. Also you get a network card in each of the dacs that allow you to get rid of the inferior usb connections that most people have to use
Who here actually uses MQA much, if at all?  Some act as if a DAC does not play it it can be no good. Most will never use it.  Keep in mind.   Some DAC's provide upgrade capacity if it ever catches on. Features do not necessarily correlate with what sound you will like.  

Asking someone about what DAC to get is like asking someone what woman you should marry.  You will only get the other person's taste ....  You need to find out for yourself.  Win, and maybe lose a little. You will win in the end if you are willing to discover what's best for you. Dang..  Asking someone else what you will like?   Maybe they should tell you to put on a sweater because they feel cold?  ;) 

Life's too short to let others tell you what to like.