Suggestion for best stereo amp ?

because of severe WAF, I must limit myself to stereo amp. After several years of happiness with my Krell Evo 402, I am starting to think there must be upgrades possible. Any suggestion ? For your complete information, I have a Krell pre-amp Evo 202 and loudspeakers are Wilson Audio Sasha.

What I most enjoy with my Krell: no limit to pure power, great bass and tight control. Enjoyable from very low level.

thank you in advance for your help.
I think you'd like a Bryson 4B cubed or a top-of-the-line Pass Labs. They're powerful and nuanced and have superb dynamic balance excellent timbre and a velvety smooth transparency across scales. They like good cables, and they'll make those Wilsons divine. 

Based on your remarks on amps, DACs, etc., it seems like you're convinced that only measurements define the sound quality of a component and you won't budge. That's fine but don't be so adamant  in trying to convince others. Like I said in a different thread, if measurements were the only criteria to assess sound quality, we would all have Benchmark products in our racks. Everyone else would be out of business.   
+1 @inna 

Gryphon is close to the absolute best. CH Precision is possibly closer. (depending on personnel preference)