New $24,000 inter-connect

I just saw a new Audiogon listing for a $24,000 inter-connect by Matthew Bond (Tara Labs). How many ya gonna order?
Matthew Bond is a failure of an engineer. Instead of making a name for himself with amplifiers and electronics or speakers he chose to go the lazy route and market cables...
It isn't a mater of comparison or reason that a $25K cable is going to sound amazingly better than a $100.00 cable - the science of what it takes to transfer an audio or digital signal through 1 meter of cable has been around for some time and beyond what it takes to perform the task, everything else is smoke and mirrors or an outright con.
Everyone has the right to spend as they choose, but for a fact, if I had an extra $25K to spend on audio - it wouldn't be for expensive, bogus cables or cords.....Jim

+1 d2girls

Yep! It would be a sad time if the audio greats all decide that the science, art and engineering of making fine audio components at fair market value, isn't where it's at.....Jim
The price is just stupid..  And he just needs to trick 4 people into buying them and he made $100k.. With 1 billion people in the U.S. I'm sure he'll exceed his goal.. And it comes to show what kind of person this guy is.. To take advantage of someone's wishful thinking.. Equivalent to person selling a "magic" marble for $500 to a mentally challenged person..