No right channel in new cartridge

I just got a Sumiko Blackbird & mounted it.  I have no right channel. I haven’t fine tuned the mounting but, That shouldn’t make me lose a whole channel.  Once or twice I’ve heard a hum in the right channel before I put the needle down. When it goes down it stops & goes silent.  The channel isn’t effected in CD, DVD or radio.

i bought it here(all positives on the seller) & it only had 10 hours on it. It didn’t come in the original box but came screwed into a box... seemed pretty secure.  I checked & reconnected all the pins, jacks into the AVR & ground wire.

What should I try next?
Toksii toksii there may be is a 2 to 3 month wait with Soundsmith, you may want  to check.

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If your Sumiko Blackbird is a High Output version (2.5mv) you can check it with volt meter to make sure.

If your Blackbird is a Low Output (0.7mv) version then you can send it for inspection to professionals.

You need another cartridge to check your phono system, mormally this problem is a lack of connection when you mount a new artridge. You can also check your tonearm wires with a tester (left and right) to make sure you didn't damaged one of the pin.

If you think your cartridge is broken then definitely return it for full refund, do not send it for refurbishing even if the seller cover the cost. Simply buy another cartridge, you can buy a much better cartridge, let me know if you need help.

In my experience with used cartridges only 1 out of 50 has a broken coil wire and it was the cheapest cartridge.

"Never buy a used cartridge" - this is the worst advice from people who knows nothing. More important is who is the seller!

If i were you, i would return the cartridge for full refund to buy perfectly working cartridge from another seller. Cartridge coil wire does not break in transit normally. Some sellers on here just re-sell stuff they never even tried, i’ve been cheated a few times by audiogon sellers with big score. Hope your seller is not from California?

It’s more safe when you buy a personal cartridge from a collection, tested and guaranteed to work as described.

Not sure why do you need an MC cartridge, they are the most problematic as you can see.

While everyone seems to fear for the state of the stylus my

worry is primary about coils. All second hand cartridges I check

first with an (digital) Voltmeter. The danger for the coils apply to

analog Voltmeters. By connecting the connectors for R or

L channel one can see if the coils are ok. This method prevents

irritation involved by discovering the damage after all the

needed adjustments are made.


Tochsi, yes, swap red with white, then blue with green, then hook it up and listen, and don’t let anyone make you anxious. Sounds like you are dealing with a responsible seller and it’s still possible that the fault lies in your system. (I have purchased many used cartridges in my life with no issues.)