I want to pick up a vintage SS integrated

Hi, as a stop gap solution, as well as for enjoyment, I wanna pick up a 70's vintage integrated amp.  I have been looking at the Kenwood KA 5700 as well as the KA 405.  Aside from the specs, which one was the higher end model, do you guys know?

My budget is around $500, and I like VU meters.  Around this range, what else could I be looking at?
People certainly were intimidated by my KLH Model 26 compact system...Pickering cartridge with the little brush on the front, massive 16 or 20 or something watts (did a search on the specs and couldn't find anything).  However, running the speaker wire (KLH system supplied) under the wood floor to stick the speakers in the corners of the rectangular living room in the cute Manoa Valley (Honolulu) "Elf Cottage" style house my band rented for most of the 70s, provided many a wild party with great sounding music. Little Feat...oh yeah, uh huh...
My girlfriend had one of those KLH compact systems.  Nothing like a crock-pot full of lentil soup, a cafeteria tray full of weed, and a stack of records on the turntable - rocking out to "Spanish Moon".
Sounds like great times. Thankfully weed is becoming legal everywhere so I can enjoy great times as well ;)....lentil soup certainly sounds healthier than Doritos and salsa....