CDs Vs LPs

Just wondering how many prefer CDs over LPs  or LPs over CDs for the best sound quality. Assuming that both turntable and CDP are same high end quality. 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
My point was to debunk your assertion that a "record" over 100 years old sounds better that current technology...which I assume is digital recording.  That is the silliness I was referring to.

If that is not what you meant then you stated an opinion but expressed it as if it were a fact.
I’ll bite I’m saying analog done right will blow digital at any price point out of the water I’ve listened to many very expensive digital systems although they sounded nice they didn’t give me that lifelike experience. Right now I’m listing to a esoteric DV-60 / bat/ Wilson wp6 in my family room it’s nowhere near my anolog system. Digital is easy analog is for a more lifelike experience,btw a digital player made in 80s sure doesn’t sound like a new DCS digital placer or maybe you will ( debunk) that to saying they didn’t make cds in the 80s hope you get it.
Well, it is my opinion, that vinyl can sound very pleasing. That combined with the whole experience (cool looking turntable, album cover and sleeve, setting the record on the platter, cuing up the tonearm, etc.) makes if certainly very different. There is no way to scientifically demonstrate that analog vinyl technology (even at it’s best) can be better than redbook fact, Sony and Phillips engineers and scientists built that technology specifically to be a better medium than analog.

Can LPs sound good to the ear? Sure they can. Can they sound better to YOU that digital? Sure they can. Does that make the LP a "better" playback medium? Not a chance. Just because YOU like it better (and I’m glad you do) doesn’t make a turntable a better sounding reproduction device. And that is before you even consider the convenience of digital.

ME? I sold all my LPs in 1991 and have never looked back. Would I get a turntable again? Maybe. But it certainly wouldn’t be because I was looking for a better quality listening experience. Probably because it looks the Garrard Zero-100 turntable I owned in the mid 70’s.

Not trying to change your mind at all. But I would recommend you state your preference as an opinion...which is exactly all it can be.

One last opinion. In comparing analog vs digital, cables, power cords, components, AC plugs and the like; in the world of high end equipment, the one that will sound the best to the listener is very often the one he wants to sound best.

I'm a Redbook CD man all the way, but I'm not a High End CDP guy at all.

Michael Green

One last opinion. In comparing analog vs digital, cables, power cords, components, AC plugs and the like; in the world of high end equipment, the one that will sound the best to the listener is very often the one he wants to sound best.
Hahaha!  Yes, confirmation bias is the at the root of most subjectivist high end audio conclusions.