I will say no one can deny the LP has made a significant comeback. Clearly, it is not from ease of use, the CD blows that away. It is not from "Long Playing" even though that is what LP stands for; the CD has room for two LP's on it without compression. It isn't from lower initial cost or lower long-term costs again the CD wins here. With a CD, there is no stylus to wear out, no fiddling with it, just plug it in, and play. Yes, a good audiophile will fiddle to extract the most from a CD but a CD is plug and play while an LP is less so.
America votes with their wallet - no one spends more when they can spend less unless that "more" gives them something. In my opinion, the only thing left is the musical sound from the LP. There are way too many LP's and turntables sold today than from a few esoteric audiophiles looking for a sexy setup. (Although, I do have to say, a state of the art turntable does look a whole lot sexier than a CD player, it's just another black box in the rack!)
Case in point of my own system - I have a Wyred4Sound DAC and a BlueSound Vault 2 music server as well as a duplicate NAS of the server for backup. I can draw digital files from either for playback. I use Roon as my controlling software. I put together a demo playlist of the very best digital recordings I have, about 25 to 30 minutes’ worth of various types of music - jazz, classical, rock, etc. When that is over, I play a Reference Recording LP of Professor Johnson's African Drum Ensemble. He recorded on the UC Berkeley campus in the mid 1950's using a state of the art all vacuum tube tape recorder and vacuum tube mic amps. (A complete redesign of the original tape unit by Professor Johnson). My system for playback is all vacuum tubes. If you were to listen to this, you might say the digital system does this a little better or the LP does that a little better, as there are differences. However, the fact is overall that old LP recording sounds amazingly good and everyone who hears it wonders afterwards if we have come as far as the advertisements proclaim.
Don't get me wrong, I am definitely spoiled by the convenience of the digital system and the "sit in the listening chair controlling everything" ability. However, I would be quite happy having that sound quality of the LP for the remainder of my life. Just don't ask me to give up the convenience of the digital!