Integrated amplifier search

I’m currently using a Parasound Halo Integrated.  The rest of my system consists of Clearwave Definition Be loudspeakers, VPI Traveler turntable, and Parasound T3 tuner.  Most of my critical listening is done from my iPhone into the DAC of the Parasound.

i very much enjoy the Integrated, but I’m curious if there is something in a smaller package that offers the same functionality and quality as the Parasound.  For a while, I looked carefully at the Peachtree Nova 150.  It’s intriguing, but I’m concerned I won’t maintain the level of sound quality I have now. 

Any thoughts on other Integrateds I should consider?
I'd stay away from any NAD now. Reliability has gone down. Really a shame, I've owned several from the 80s and they were wonderful. The company is definitely not what it used to be, sadly.



The Naim Uniti Nova is capable of handling low impedance loads with no problem. In my bedroom setup I have the Nova, first I had it paired with the B&W 805 D3 standmount speakers and now with the Sonus Faber Olympica 1 standmount speakers, which are rated 4 ohm nominal impedance and with speaker sensitivity of 87 db. 
The Nova paired really well with both speakers and both pairings sounded very musical.
The dealer 2.5 hours from me has the nova on demo. I could go listen there. I don’t follow audiogon nearly like I used to, do they ever pop up used?
If you’re serious about the peachtree, I would consider buying it from crutchfield. They have a 60 day return policy and a flat $10 return shipping fee. Well worth the $10 dollars if you ask me not to drive 2 1/2 hours. It worth the gas alone.  Plus, you can audition it at home.  Draw back is that the amp will not be burned in. 
Speaking of Peachtree, they just came out with a new 500 watt integrated.  It has the new ESS 9028 PRO DAC built in.  I believe the Nova 300 and 150 have the older 9018s.