Zu Essence vs. any Emerald Physics CS series

I am looking to replace some speakers with either the Zu Essence or Emerald Physics CS-2, CS-2.3, or CS-3s. Has anyone compared any of these? I am looking for the most accurate and detailed soundstage. I would sacrifice some dynamics for better soundstage and clarity. Thanks for any input.
I have the Presence and for my room it is a keeper. Any amp with amp will drive them with great results.

I heard the two EP speakers a RMAF and like what I heard and was one of the better sounding rooms at the show. The amp setup for these speakers is a RPITA.
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I am replacing either some Dali Helicon 800 MK Is or some Avalon Acoustics Avatars. I like the soundstage better in the Avalons, but, this was their lowest model at time of manufacture and is lacking in bass quite dramatically. I am running a Genesis 928 subwoofer that sounds good with it. I feel like I cannot seamlessly integrate the sub with the Avatars. The Dalis are nice, I liked them better than the Paradigm S1s I listened to the other day. I have heard the Zu Essence in a very limited audition. However, in the Six Moons review it says the Essence have less directionality to them than the Druids. Does this mean they have more compact soundstage with less dimensionality? That statement was a turnoff. Anyone care to comment on that?