tochsii, It's going to cost money if you initiate any action with SS or VAS, so be sure in advance that the seller will cover those costs. After all, you are doing him a favor as well; he needs to know what's wrong, so he can make an informed decision about whether to repair it, either for your sake or for his. I would include him in the decision making all along the way, if you prefer to get the repairs done on your own initiative. Most of us have been down this road before, if not with a defective cartridge, then with some other piece of used gear purchased on-line.
If your Blackbird has a short in the coil wire, a la the story related by djf, then it's likely to be toast, unless the disjuncture can be visualized and re-soldered.
If your Blackbird has a short in the coil wire, a la the story related by djf, then it's likely to be toast, unless the disjuncture can be visualized and re-soldered.