Yet if your claim is at all challenged with reasonable questions you get so incensed as to insult the questioner as “having problems.”
Are we supposed to simply sit down, shut up and accept anything nonoise claims as The Truth without possibly questioning it?
If not...why does questioning your claims cause you to insult the questioner?
I think nonoise is getting upset with you because you are denying his very reality without having any experience with it via sitting in a arm chair 500 miles away removed from his situation and then going on to cite how fallable the mind is: it’s borderline insulting. If you are implying cables cannot affect sound, then I can only ask you to open your mind and seek out experiences. I’ve shared my experiences. I was in the doubtful camp and did not want to spend money on cables to get the most out of my system. I still want to resist them but I have come to know that they have their time and place and shouldn’t be overlooked if one is interested in extracting the most out of your system. I don’t know how they work, either, but that is the first step in scientific inquiry: make an observation. From there you ask questions, hence the reason I started this thread.