linn sondek tt

Does anybody still buy this? I just noticed many of their old dealers are gone.i wonder why?
@daveyf , it actually had the Ittok arm with the K18 MM (I started with the K9 - had no wish to go the MC route) set up and updated (arm board, sub chassis, oil and springs/ grommets/ belt etc) to spec by a local Linn dealer. I remember bringing it home on the back seat of my car with the inner platter supported - outer one off.

Sure enough, it had to go back for adjustment not long after as one side began to sag low. Yes, I now realise that as a Linn owner you are at the mercy of your dealer. There was another highly respected one locally, but he was some 20 miles further.

So standing at a crossroads between more £££s for an Ekos/ Lingo upgrade etc or a respected CD player from Marantz/Sony, there really wasn’t much choice. At that time there was no shortage of interest for a used Linn, so selling it was pretty straightforward as I’d kept all the receipts/boxes etc.

Yes, you are right, definitely plug and play next time. Semi or fully automatic one would be nice.

it is the COMPANY not the turntable.It's schtick!i it's attitude..........

it's product line is SO OVERCOMPLEX. Nobody can sort it out. It is to confuse the buyer. a form of a cult.

they wont use the Booplinth!

they continue to use the akito arm!

they wont find one good oem  mm cartridge and make it standard!

they don't make a server.(burner)

you don't see them at shows anymore. no high end outfit  has them at a us show. They wont lend out the the product anymore.

i can go on................

After slogging through those six instructional youtube videos, it looks like most of the set-up and adjustment process is routine and achievable within the skillset of a reasonably handy owner.  No dog in this fight, but the several knowledgeable LP12 owners in my circle have since moved on to other tables.  Personally I'd rather put the money into a Herzan platform for my unsprung Luxmann PD444, Kenwood L07D, or Technics SP10 MkII.
@cd318  It is pretty clear from your description that your dealer didn't really know how to set up the table. If it sagged on one side after a short time, it was because the dealer didn't get the spring tension correct and failed to tighten the bolts sufficiently! Like I stated before, you didn't have enough experience to realize what was going on..and so you blamed the table. A short drive of 20 miles would have given you a BIG benefit, IMO. The cartridge you mention is nothing special...and would have held the deck back.

@theoriginalthor1  I agree with you, Linn themselves have gone in a different and non analog friendly route ( plus how consumer friendly it is is another question). Having spoken personally to Gilad, I can tell you, he is not really interested in analog anymore. They will be coming out with a server soon..and other digital products. Personally, I believe his lack of interest in what gave his company their start and their success, is a bad omen for the future of his company. 

NOBODY WANTS THEIR DIGITAL EITHER You'll never hear them here .we have 2 linn dealers. neither was part of the road show for the akurate streamer. why? they cant sell it to their customers:mega buck customers: aurender customers....even naim customers