Speakers in 10-15K price range for Classical music

Well I am in the market for speakers. My music choice is primarily classical and then a little bit of everything else such as jazz and soft/alternate rock. I started with a budget of 5-7K and auditioned Maggie 3.6, Quad 989, Spendor S8e and so on, but quickly realized I couldn’t get what I was looking for in these speakers. They all did pretty well on solo or few instruments but could not nearly reproduce a symphony (Mahler’s fifth, or Tchaikovsky’s sixth or Schubert’s ninth) with any authenticity. This was about a year ago. Since then I had stretched my budget and am now looking for speakers in the 10-15K price range.

Now here’s the challenge. I didn’t like the Thiel, B&W or Wilson sound. I had liked Maggie 20.1 in the past, but can’t find any dealer nearby that carries them for an audition. Heard the Vandersteen 5a for about 10 mins and they are pretty convincing, but I need a proper audition and then it’s still beyond my price range. Now my question is what other speakers I can look at for the kind of music I like?

Thanks much in advance, for your help.

Oh, my system is Krell SACD and 400xi Integrated Amp. Will upgrade the amp eventually, but will need to wait for another year at least :)
At your price point, don't consider anything but active speakers. That alone will clear up a lot of the congestion you hear from most speakers. To maintain the best bass definition look at only sealed or open baffle. Avoid large panels unless you're okay with a very restricted, narrow sweet spot. Do some online research. There are only a few candidates that will meet all the requirements you need.
Look for used Tannoy Churchills with 15" DC. Or a pair of Tannoy 215 DMT II's.

Other than those speakers, I've never heard any that do well on large scale orchestral music or opera.
I think if you upgraded your amp first, and tried the Spendor or Maggie 3.6's again you would find them much different. Your integrated does not have the power to really open up either of those speakers.

Also, on the Quads, with your existing gear if you tried the 2905 I think you would be very happy, especailly on large orchestral works.

Good luck.
As an opera and classical music lover whom has been through many a speaker, several stand out for me--
1. Living Voice OBX-RW (newer- more refined version)- perhaps with a sub if you like (a damn good one or two though like a high-end Rel)
2. Daedalus Audio Ulysses (I own the DA-RMa and love them for classical-- a touch warm like spendor and Harbeth but to my ears more balanced overall- though I havent heard the lastest iterations of the Spendors)
3. Big Proacs (treble still a bit tipped up to my ear, though easily tamed with wires - JPS works beautifully with them for example- or amps -- Bel Cantos worked beautifully)
4. Reynauds-- Loved the Trentes and Twins and hear the newer ones punch things up a bit dynamically- could be ideal. For you I think it'd be the Orfeos (big boys).
I love ATC's and dynaudios as well, but in my experience, both require a fair amount of amplifier 'welly' as the Brits say to get up and on with things. Also-- ATC and low level listening-- not a match made in heaven no matter your power. Dyns and ATC's are certainly beautifully balanced tonally though.
I suppose, given my current inklings, I'd go for the Daedalus Audio Ulysses if I were you. Easily driven, beautifully built and likely retains all the spendor/Harbethian traits without being too 'pipe and slippers.' Also great at low levels.