Isolated Ground causes ground hum.

Hi Experienced Goner.
I am adding the isolated ground into my music system and when I connected the ground wire into my existing system and it hums badly.
Did I do st wrong?
I hammered three copper rods under the ground then linked them together with a solid 4 awg copper wire and through the exterior wall into my music room.

By law, you MUST bond them to the house ground.  You can't just create a new ground field, and run a copper wire to your outlets and call it ground.

Thank you,
and that was what I did. My outlet is still keeping as normal, 1 ot, 1 neutral, and 1 ground. I only added the extra isolated ground bond the the chassis of the preamp. Is it the same as I bond it to the common ground of the Edison?
Please let me know if what I an thinking is right?

I figured out where the problem is. It is on the Conrad Johnson amplifier. When I plugged it into the outlet out of my dedicated line network, or when I used the cheat plug, the hum was gone.
Now, anyone has any idea of how to fix it will be much appreciated.