BEST fullrange speaker drivers in existence, 4"-10" diameter range, and...Go!

Price no object
but it must be the most musical thing you've ever heard of.
Thanks in advance for the feedback
Not clear what you're asking. What do you mean by "fullrange"? Is this for a DIY speaker? Do you mean bass extension? Or single driver that best covers 20-20K cycles?
And, are you asking for off the shelf drivers you can purchase separately from a finished speaker system?
ok, to clarify:

looking for the best midrange driver there is, for a DIY project that will include 2-4 of these per side.  I am specifically looking for a fullrange driver whose ~400-4000 Hz behaviour is reference standard. im testing some ideas about lower order crossovers and I have literally no idea what I am doing (yet)
effectively i must distinguish for myself whether or not, all other things being equal, that horns either are or are not decisively better (aka more "musical") than even the best speaker cone driver