An old Thorens TD125 MkII with SME 3009 or a Linn Sondek with Ittok ?

I dont want to spend more than a few hundred (500 TOPS) for the cartridge either, including replacement styli..

Opinions ?


If you want to use low output mc carts, the Linn and Ittok is the way to go.

I’ve owned at least three 125’s over the years. They normally came bundled with the Throens arm or the SME arm.

The LP12 and ittok is the superior table. I’m using an LP12 with an original Kuzma arm, which was designed on the LP12. Probably a good match...

The SME is a nice blast from the past but it is definitely inferior to an Ittok. It’s still a great table and arm, though.

TD125 turntables are now in that overblown price range. It was, or finally is.... the TD125’s turn on the great wheel of over pricing and exaggerated qualities and sales. Used to be able to pick up that combination of arm and table for as low as $100-200, many moons back.
I had a 160 and LP12 beat that.
LP12/Ittok is better. Make sure it is at least a Valhalla model (no big red button)
Thanks for your posts...

Would an older Shure 97 or V15 type of cartridge be compatible with an Ittok ?

The reason I am asking is, the MC cartridges which are recommended to be used with an Ittok are so expensive.....
I ran a Nagaoka MP11 and an Ortofon MC3 fine. If you want a big bang for the buck, a Nag MP110 will sound great for $110.