Tube info

Looking for suggestions for 12AU7 driver tubes in power amp. Looking for suggestions on NOS but affordable. Thank you in advance!
I have several amps that take 12AU7s my list is as follows
1: Amperex Bugle Boy ( super detailed)
2: Amperex (Long Plate Large D Getter)
3: Mullards (blackburn factory)
4: NOS Vintage RCA Clear top

What is your budget?

The Amperex 7316 is my personal favorite, but pricey.

I also like the RFT 12AU7.

On the domestic side the black-plate 5814s are an excellent value.
I tried the Mullard 4003 tubes years ago sourced from Kevin Deal.  They sounded fine (a bit rich) but became noisy faster than expected from experience with other tube brands.

I have been using Ron Sheldon's Cryoset Gold Lion 12AU7's but  since Ron's unfortunate illness caused him to shut down his business, I just purchased a matched pair of new production Tung-Sols from Tube Depot.  When the time comes we'll see how they sound.

I may be a bit fortunate in that my tube gear doesn't seem that sensitive to the tubes used.  More a question of longevity rather than tonality.  I suspect from the experiences of others, that Power Tubes have a greater impact on tonality and dynamics.

I have some Conn 12AU7s that sound terrific in my phono preamp. The organ manufacturers used lots of tube manufacturers, but generally tested their tubes very stringently so they're usually a good bet.
Thanks guys. @ Lowrider57, I will be building VTA M-125 mono blocks and that’s what they’ll be used in. @bbroussard, I’m not sure on a budget. I’m not a big $ spender on tubes though. I’m thinking maybe $30/40 each. I would need (4) and that’s why I’m trying to stay economical.