Movies employing music in a great way.

I find certain directors are more aware of great music, and of how to integrate it into their films, than are others. Jim Jarmusch, Martin Scorsese, The Coen Brothers, and David Lynch come to mind. But maybe my favorite use of music is in the movie The Last Picture Show; lots of Hank Williams on the radio in the old pickup truck driven in the movie, perfectly reflecting the grim, dying small-town and sepia-hued Texas landscape.
The Big Chill started a revival of 60’s R&B music.

The Blues Brothers has some performances by legends like Ray Charles, Aretha, James Brown and Cab Calloway that are iconic and with them all being gone, precious. Yes, it was a silly comedy but the music was epic. Some of the sound track music without performances is great too, Sam and Dave come to mind.

Another crass but legendary comedy with good music is Animal House. The "Otis Day" performance of "Shout" is fantastic. Sam Cooke is featured heavily.

Edit to add: The Wizard of Oz. That music has become part of the cultural subconscious. 

John Hughes was brilliant in this regard with his timing and selection of particularly 80s tracks that fully captured the essence of his iconic films.