Looking for an inexpensive low power amp with exquisite sound

I have an itch to combine an Axiom II Passive Preamp with an inexpensive, low-power but exquisite-sounding amplifier. 10 wpc should do it, tube or SS. $1000 or less for the amp would be great; $2000 or less might be OK too. Any bright ideas or experience out there, contrarian or otherwise?

Merry Christmas to all,
Sonic Santa
Ag insider logo xs@2xcondosound
Try to find a used Dennis Had single ended amp...I've owned a "Firebottle HO (High Output)" for a couple of years now and it's astonishing...only 4 tubes so it's cheap to maintain.
I found an Audio Assembly SET 300B (by Sonic Frontiers) for $750, upgraded all caps and resistors (I also splurged on EML XLS 300B tubes that were well worth the price of admission), but this amp is amazing. The extra spent on the output tubes is not necessary, but very worthwhile.

The old Forte solid state amps sound great for the money. They usually sell for around $500 and were designed by Pass. If you don't want to deal with old equipment, Audio Advisor has a Nuforce STA200 amp they are selling for $500 that is getting some good press here. 