In praise of moderation

This is just a public shout out to Audiogon's moderators, who I think are doing a great job and who are really the ones that hold this forum together. One thread in particular (" Why Power Cables Affect Sound ") has for whatever reason become especially toxic to the point it's been difficult to continue the conversation. But the moderators have been diligent and responsive when inappropriate posts have been flagged. It puzzles me that there are contributors here whose primary goal seems to be argumentation. From time to time, they have to be restrained. It's a tricky job, but I think the moderators apply an even hand. Kudos and thanks to them, especially Tammy. What do you think?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds
I have always appreciated the difficult task the moderators have faced including the increase in toxic contrary positions that have been noted in the past few years. Thank you Cleeds for stating this important acknowledgment. I also have to second my appreciation for the job Tammy has done anytime there were issues. Always professional and diligent.
It must be hard to keep things on an even keel, especially when 2-3 posters-you know them-keep dis-railing threads.
Thankfully, said posters haven't come to the 'insiders', yet.