
I am kicking the idea of trying out vinyl. It’s been a long time since I had a turntable and it took a lot of thought whether I can deal with what always seemed like the snap, crackle & pops of an album. Anyway, I’ve decided to take a plunge after all the buzz how awesome it is. Of course before I make any final decisions, I always turn to the Audiogon community for their expert thoughts, opinions and education. I’m also looking for suggestions for a nice affordable table with tone arm and cartridge. Being the fact this is new to me and I may hate it, I’m looking for suggestions on the best affordable set up I can do for a new or used in the price range of $1000/$1500. I’m sure I can get a better bang for the buck going used. I just don’t know anything about these animals. My system is older but I still enjoy it which consist of a Mark Levinson 23.5 amp, Proceed AVP 2+6 used for 2 channel audio, Audio Acoustics model 9 speakers, Ayre DAC for digital with Transparent Audio Ultra mm2 cables. Any input is greatly appreciated!
Technics 1200GR?

I saw a nice used one w/cartridge here on Audiogon earlier in your range.
@asahitoro, can’t find any 1200GR’s on AG. Can you send a link?

What’s the thought on a Rega P6 with Exact cart & power supply for $1125? It’s a demo. The phono stage is a Rega MM for $325. Is that a good deal and good table? Thoughts ? I’m looking into many of the suggestions and thank you for all of them. The whole idea is to get the best bang for the buck new or used.
+1 on the Technics 1200GR. It's built like a tank and is far less fiddly for a newbie than some of the others suggested, especially the belt drives. Some discount Technics as not being an audiophile-approved brand, but with a bit of research you will quickly see that the 1200 series and the SP10 series are serious, proven and frequently beloved.

You can save some money with a used phono stage though. On a budget at half retail, you will be getting a far superior product. With recent vintage solid state, not much risk. A few overachievers that quickly come to mind: Lehman Black Cube, Graham Slee(a number of models), Coph Nia(one here for $429), PS Audio GCPH. Cheers,
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You really found yourself a good deal with that Rega.

In regard to belt drive or direct drive; "Why are so many TT's belt drive, even at astronomical price levels?"