Chord Hugo power supply help

I just moved and mixed up all of my wall warts...
Several fit the Hugo but I was warned to only use the factory one.  My original power supply never said Chord on it.  Any help identifying the correct one please.  Can I use a different 12volt psu?

Yes, you could use a 100A supply on the device and the Chord would be safe. Let me help you understand why.

Your math is right, but you miss that current (I or A) is dependent on V and R. It's not the other way around.

We can induce the R based on the device rating. The device is rated at 0.5 Amps, that means the maximum current will be 0.5, in reality it will vary, but lets assume max.

R = 12 / 0.5 = 24
So we can assume the minimum R will be 24. So ....

I = 12 / 24 = 0.5
Having a power supply capable of 1,000 A still doesn't change the equation. The current will depend on V and R.

So, if you can't change R (the device) the only way to increase I is to increase the V. So, if you attached a 24V supply, THEN you'd have too much current and risk the device.

Hope this helps,
Hugo supply’s printed output 12V .6A  7.2W maximum.  This is directly from the device.
RHL bailed me out.  I had 4 but the original one doesnt say Chord on it   he sent me a picture.  Im all set now.  Thanks Everyone.
erik, thanks for the explanation. So you're saying since the R is device dependent and fixed, the V is what limits the amount of I delivered to the device. So technically the specified current is the minimum.