Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?

I won't have $45K to spend on a loudspeaker in this lifetime or any other I imagine but the little snippet in TAS peaked my curiousity. Has anyone heard this speaker and would be willing to offer their impressions?
The bass response of the 5s and 7s are so accurately refined that the idea of adding anything to them is as repulsive to me as someone painting a sidebar on a Rembrandt.

The uniqueness of Richard's solution is the extraordinary flexibility for speaker placement within the room and capability to adjust and tune the subs to the room. Controls for not just 11 bands of frequency response, but contour and level as well.

When it comes to the 7s, the bass is somewhat improved of the already great 5s due to higher capacitance in the sub amp power supply, but more importantly, a more accurate midbass driver. Bass can contain a very high bandwidth for example a strong wack on a large drum. The midbass carries a surprising amount of the load for this type of signal.

This is coming in late for you previous posters, but my experience with the Model 7 has been in the past few months. I haven't been impressed with he Quattro or the 5a previously regardless of the amplification. I have driven over 150 miles round trip to demo front end and amplification products to hear them with my own speakers, vintage audio physics. With that qualification, my dream speaker is the Model 7. I have heard them with AR, Ayre, and Aesthetix amplification, digital and analog, and it made no difference, shockingly realistic artist in the room presentation. The price reality is that my MB convertible is currently priced lower than this speaker puts me back in my listening room.
What is it that you would like to ask of them?
Vandersteen dealer