Problems with Infinity Prelude MTS mid-range

Has anyone else had problems with the mid-range driver on the Prelude MTS, (buzzing, dust-cap falling off etc.) I have now had three of the towers have issues, especially distortion with piano pieces.
I also have a problem with a distorting midrange when playing certain CDs (for instance Louis Armstrong, his voice sounds awful, and some rock CDs).
I have been playing them pretty as probably the former owner also did.
No problem with the subs, although they sound not as powerful as they should be, but maybe i am expecting too much.
A rep from Harmon said one could press on the cone lightly and listen for scraping sound, then press some more back and forth and the sound would get better for a while at least. I have not tried it. He didn't mention why the problem was there, but hinted at overdriving.
I don't know what to do, the info here makes me feel I might as well buy a new set of speakers (and keep the subs).
Any tips are welcomed! (I live in Europe.) The speakers sound really good when on a lot of material (jazz, classical).
According to this page, the 3.5 inch driver is no longer available!

What to do? Does anyone know of a similar speaker if one would try to replace it?
I'd look for an extra pair of towers for replacement parts, because you're not going to find a pair of speakers as good as the Prelude MTS for the price of an extra pair of towers.
Drivers are now available as of 31 OCT 2010 according to Harman page:

Anyone knows if these are better than the original versions?

I contacted the Swedish company that services Infinity (and JBL etc.) and amazingly they just had another MTS speaker in that had the same problem with thew 3.5" driver, sold at the same HIFI dealer as mine. The service man showed me the reason it sounded bad (same reason as stated earlier in this thread), and that it was clearly a manufacturing problem, probably due to magnetic material being present when they made the driver.
So he replaced both the 3.5" (left and right speaker) at no cost! "When you buy Infinity you should get good service, and these were faulty drivers from the beginning ..."
He had never come across this before and now he got two customers the same week!

Anyway, now that new drivers may be ordered you might as well have the speakers serviced if you have started to hear som buzz - it will get worse, believe me!
