Problems with Infinity Prelude MTS mid-range

Has anyone else had problems with the mid-range driver on the Prelude MTS, (buzzing, dust-cap falling off etc.) I have now had three of the towers have issues, especially distortion with piano pieces.
I have this problem with my midbass. Has anyone managed to repair them in a repairshop? (not infinity) Since i hear the problem is with some peeling, i thought maybe it could be cleaned, and thus repaired.

Has anyone tried/done this??
Well, I have Infinity Prelude Compositions since I think 2002, and I hope these problems don't crop up. I really like them a lot. They're especially good with low powered SET, better still if you can give them just a little more juice. The Cary V12 and Cary 300B are wonderful with the built in sub (25hz). The Primaluna Dialogue One I own also performs well, my brother's Leben CS660 is really a nice match. I always wondered why more people with moderate low-powered amps were not purchasing speakers such as the Prelude Compositions? These speakers cost about $3,400.00 back in 2002. Good luck solving issues, HK sucks for not owning up.
I change MTS for a pair of Tyler Acoustics D1 last year, GREAT DECISION. Didn't missed them.
They had more problems every day, first the mids, then one sub, then...
If you need spare mids or anything, let me know, I can sell them. The only problem is that I live in Ecuador and shipping will be expensive. I have 3 subs, 2 tower and a center speaker.

Does anyone know the part number for the 3.5" CMMD midrange driver and if they can still be purchased? I'm getting distortion during piano pieces on one of my towers.

Does anyone know if the midrange drivers can be repaired?

Too bad because I really like the sound of these speakers
I could look at mine but it doesn't really matter no one makes them or have any. Almost impossible to find. I have three