kosst_amojan"Anybody who claims any modern Focal has a hot top end or anything but top to bottom smoothness simply hasn't really heard what they claim to have listened to."
That is a silly, undefensible, and arbitrary statement, proclamation and accusation the greatest and most influential component in any music reproduction system is the room itself and for you to deny, reject, or ignore this simple, absolute, established fact reflects ignorance on your part virtually any speaker can sound bright depending not only on the exact, specific room and its acoustic characteristics but also the associated components that comprise the specific music reproduction system used to conduct the evaluation and arrive at a result, conclusion, and determination.
That is a silly, undefensible, and arbitrary statement, proclamation and accusation the greatest and most influential component in any music reproduction system is the room itself and for you to deny, reject, or ignore this simple, absolute, established fact reflects ignorance on your part virtually any speaker can sound bright depending not only on the exact, specific room and its acoustic characteristics but also the associated components that comprise the specific music reproduction system used to conduct the evaluation and arrive at a result, conclusion, and determination.
The longest run on sentence I've seen in the history of this forum. I laughed out loud.
Or should I say -- "This particular, specific, one of a kind post is perhaps, possibly, per chance the most lengthy, long winded, time consuming piece, segment, or sample of writing I have ever read on the internet, the web, a forum, or series of tubes I laughed out loud."
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