Monostrapped Atma-sphere M-60

Well made a ton of changes to my system.
Fell into Atma-sphere great buys.  Waiting to get my M-60’s. Just wondering if down the road I got different speakers like Maggie’s or Higher End Vandersteens. Instead of buying a different Amp if it would make sense to Monostrap the M-60’s. Wondering if anyone had had experience doing this.
My system is as follows.
Quicksilver M-60 ( Replaced most likely by the Atma-sphere.
Atma-sphere point to point UV-1 updated with Vcaps. Next Power Regulation at the end of the month.
Bel Canto Dac 3 
Vandersteen 2ce Sig ii

But before anybody draws the wrong conclusions... the 200 WPC Ayre VX-R was plenty of power for my listening habits/room

i even had a loaner aRC REF 75SE in the system while Ayre was back at Factory- adequate except for Cowboy Junkies - Devils Paintbrush Road....

try that out.....
In addition to more power, a potential advantage of monostrapping (i.e., paralleling) Ralph's amps is that the resulting output impedance would be cut in half.  In the case of the M-60 Mk 3.3 for example, the output impedance of a monostrapped pair would be 2.05 ohms instead of the 4.1 ohms that is specified for a single monoblock.  That would seem likely to significantly broaden the range of speakers that would be suitable matches for it, and potentially eliminate the need to use a Zero autoformer in conjunction with many speakers.

-- Al
   That was exactly the information I was looking for. I was going to ask Ralph about that. Ummmmm.... Thanks  for the response.