@gdnrbob Thanks for your feedback. You may not have seen the photo of my room on the virtual systems section. My room is rather full of stuff and it will have more soon once the 9 GIK room treatments arrive.
Some of the larger speakers mentioned here will stay in my memory bank for my next audio project (later in 2019). My wife and I are in agreement that we want to get some music downstairs where the baby plays all day. We both feel music is important in a person’s life and my baby loves music like the old man. So in that light I will also start thinking about a floor stander for the rather large space downstairs. It is 21’L x 17’W x 18’H. This room also opens up to another large family room perpendicular to it. We are going to put a large speaker in what it essentially the baby’s play room. This speaker may get beaten up my kid but so what.
Since I am rather settled on my speaker choices for my office I started rereading some reviews of integrated’s that I am interested in. The sound that I am trying to improve on include:
1) Remove some rare fatigue from the LS50s in my room via treatments. I expect a bigger speaker to have fatigue in my untreated room (100%). I am very sensitive to this. BTW - opening up my room entrance door is an amazing upgrade to my room (thanks to GIK for that one).
2) I want a large sound stage (as large as the room can accommodate) with focused images and placement of performers in the stage.
3) I want the speakers to disappear.
I know the things I have listed are a function of the complete system working in synergy with the speaker, electronics and room. Reading some reviews of the integrated’s I am interested in was interesting because some of the reviews stated the occurrence of #2 and #3. So I think I am on the correct path.
Luxman 509x - have not heard yet, but I know where to hear it with my preferred list of speakers
Hegel H590 - have not heard yet, no local dealers have it yet. I have heard top of the line Hegels with KEF Blade (also H360) and l liked them a lot. Liked the top end Luxman more than the Hegel’s I heard but the H590 is supposed to be a different kind of animal from Hegel. Considering buying this unheard, especially for downstairs.
Mark Levinson 585 - have heard and liked it a lot. It does #2 and #3 well with Magico A3’s
Mark Levinson 5805 (not heard yet, maybe not released yet)
Krell i300 - may look into this one too, a local KRELL dealer I visited in the past should have this. The price and connectivity are the best of all the integrated’s on my list.
Some of the larger speakers mentioned here will stay in my memory bank for my next audio project (later in 2019). My wife and I are in agreement that we want to get some music downstairs where the baby plays all day. We both feel music is important in a person’s life and my baby loves music like the old man. So in that light I will also start thinking about a floor stander for the rather large space downstairs. It is 21’L x 17’W x 18’H. This room also opens up to another large family room perpendicular to it. We are going to put a large speaker in what it essentially the baby’s play room. This speaker may get beaten up my kid but so what.
Since I am rather settled on my speaker choices for my office I started rereading some reviews of integrated’s that I am interested in. The sound that I am trying to improve on include:
1) Remove some rare fatigue from the LS50s in my room via treatments. I expect a bigger speaker to have fatigue in my untreated room (100%). I am very sensitive to this. BTW - opening up my room entrance door is an amazing upgrade to my room (thanks to GIK for that one).
2) I want a large sound stage (as large as the room can accommodate) with focused images and placement of performers in the stage.
3) I want the speakers to disappear.
I know the things I have listed are a function of the complete system working in synergy with the speaker, electronics and room. Reading some reviews of the integrated’s I am interested in was interesting because some of the reviews stated the occurrence of #2 and #3. So I think I am on the correct path.
Luxman 509x - have not heard yet, but I know where to hear it with my preferred list of speakers
Hegel H590 - have not heard yet, no local dealers have it yet. I have heard top of the line Hegels with KEF Blade (also H360) and l liked them a lot. Liked the top end Luxman more than the Hegel’s I heard but the H590 is supposed to be a different kind of animal from Hegel. Considering buying this unheard, especially for downstairs.
Mark Levinson 585 - have heard and liked it a lot. It does #2 and #3 well with Magico A3’s
Mark Levinson 5805 (not heard yet, maybe not released yet)
Krell i300 - may look into this one too, a local KRELL dealer I visited in the past should have this. The price and connectivity are the best of all the integrated’s on my list.