Since the Ayre has both connections its no worries.
Some tips:
The Ayre converts all single-ended sources to balanced due to its differential operation. So no worries on the input side.
All phono cartridges are balanced sources FWIW; the tone arm connection is where things go single-ended. Usually you can just replace the tone arm interconnect to restore balanced operation.
The advantage of balanced operation is not only longer cable can by used, but whatever cable used will have less artifact. For example in the phono you don't have to have an expensive cable for it to sound right, just one that is properly built.
Balanced operation is also a way of preventing ground loop hum.
Some tips:
The Ayre converts all single-ended sources to balanced due to its differential operation. So no worries on the input side.
All phono cartridges are balanced sources FWIW; the tone arm connection is where things go single-ended. Usually you can just replace the tone arm interconnect to restore balanced operation.
The advantage of balanced operation is not only longer cable can by used, but whatever cable used will have less artifact. For example in the phono you don't have to have an expensive cable for it to sound right, just one that is properly built.
Balanced operation is also a way of preventing ground loop hum.