Using an external word clock with Esoteric cd/sacd players

Considering the use of an external word clock with my Esoteric cd/sacd player, it has a word clock BNC input. Wanted to ask two questions;
1.) Are you relegated to using only an Esoteric word clock device? or
2.) Can you use another manufacturer like some of the pro audio word clocks, eg. Antelope OCXHD, Black Lion, Tascam, etc.?
Thanks for your input.

Right, because you are using your ears, which are magnitudes worse at judging sonic differences than measurement gear. Like I said, it’s all placebo, there is no audible differences; if you did hear a difference, then that was money well spent, it worked just like how the sugar cubes in scientific studies made the test subjects feel better.
I should clarify, I genuinely meant that if you heard a difference, then it was money well spent. However, if someone doesn’t hear a difference (as there is no actual audible changing coming from your speakers), then they just wasted a bunch of money and have to try and return it for hopefully a full refund.
That’s why you try to buy it used so if it doesn’t work out, you can recoup as much as possible :) I rationalize it as "the cost of doing business" as I try to find the sound I want. As I’ve made improvements to my system, I’m confident that I can hear more deeply into the recording than I used to, but I also think some of that is just learning how to listen.

My transport is quite good but doesn’t have a word clock input, nor does my DAC. But I’ve kicked around the idea of playing with a reclocker at some point, just to answer for myself if I can hear a difference. I get that some measurements say I shouldn’t be able to, but eh, it’s a hobby for me. I want to be able to try things, evaluate over a long period for myself, and move forward. No one’s giving me a trophy for how good it sounds :)

I'd love to try the Cybershaft stufff but my gear doesn't work with it. 

But I’ve kicked around the idea of playing with a reclocker at some point, just to answer for myself if I can hear a difference. 


To my ears, there was a significant shift in capabilities of DAC's from before 2010 to after. I don't know what it was, but here's what I have heard:
Prior to 2010, HiRez was significantly better than Red Book playback.

After 2010, a number of DAC's made this difference almost, if not completely, imperceptible.  Whiel HiRez playback has been consistent, Red Book has really improved.

I wish I knew why, but I suspect better, cheaper oscillator chips hitting the market, or perhaps better receivers?

Anyway, point is, I have tried reclockers. You have to be aware they are not bit-perfect. But, they do work with:
  • Poor sources like cheap streamers (Google, Apple)
  • Old DACs

With new DAC's I can't hear a difference at all.