Have you had enough of Classic Rock?

Anyone out there feel like I do?
I don't listen to "classic" rock much anymore. Heard it enough when it came out and have plenty of it on vinyl. But there's so much new music out there......amazing. And then we have some of the "classic rock" guys putting out solo stuff, think Gilmour and Plant for example, and the selection gets even bigger. We have 2 things that are better now than they've ever been......music selections and beer.

As for Sirius/XM.......it's ok. Just ok. Sound quality is god-awful. The hosts, DJ's, presenters, whatever they want to call themselves are a damn nuisance. All they want to do is hear their own mouth. And "commercial free"? I don't think so. A commercial for yourself is still a commercial. Add in the mundane playlists and the overlapping stations.......no thanks. Wife likes it and has a lifetime script in her car but I'll let the trial expire in my truck.
Getting to the end of the Classic Rock list to make a judgement seems impossible to even come close to in one life time. So the thought of being done with Classic Rock doesn't register in my brain. Same goes for any genre.
Yes I have for along time...It isn't that all classic rock is bad because there is a lot of great classic rock. The corporate owned stations that run the airways and their damn playlist have ruined that, if I ever hear Stairway to Heaven or Free bird again it would be too soon! The gentleman that mentioned K-SHE on here is right about that classic show but other than that you can hear the same crap at the same time daily and that is why I left that station years ago. The same corporation that owns that station owns all of St Louis radio except for the small guys and independents and ALL HAVE DAILY PLAYLIST! Thank god for independents out there and the actual DJ's that play none of the hits all of the time! Also there was a comment on here about nothing since the 80's worth hearing, sorry dude but you are missing a ton of great music and new artist out there! You just have to listen for them at the right place with out the commercials to boot!
I have not intentionally listened to the radio in decades.  So, whatever is over played I am not exposed to very often. I typically do not play the same CD in my house (or car)  more than once a month or so.  When I first buy a CD, I may play it 3 or 4 times before I catalog it. And many times I only play it once before I do. 
@michaelgreenaudioI have to disagree...

If you look at Classic Rock in its composition....lyric...Improvisation of any solo which is mostly guitar or keys its set meaning it has little improvisation. Now this is still brilliant in its own right but it has a particular boundry it cannot cross before it loses its form..that said If you look at Jazz...one can listen to say Someday My Prince will Come and after the initial verse is played it becomes more than just one song as each artist as with Jazz gives his or hers own interpretation.

I think its safe to say Rocks sheer bravado in its rhythm and lyrics can lose its lustre for some as we age.